Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Short & blah.

To my couple friends who i know read this blog. I love you.
You can start a love with good intentions and you look up and it's gone.
People change and forget to tell you.

Excuse my chubbiness.
Cowgirls don't cry.

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I can't get over this, it hurts so much, I know it was true love"? Well, I'm guilty of these thoughts. But lately I've realized that not being treated right or the way you want to be by anyone is upsetting. It is a let down and that's what breaks your heart. That you were let down. Just because something hurts, doesn't mean it was love.

You always hear people talking about the things they can't say or do. They don't want to tell people how they feel deep down, because they're afraid they won't hear the reply they want. I'm here to tell you to take the plunge. Say what your heart feels. Don't hold back. I spilled my heart to the boy I love. It didn't change anything and even though that was let down, it was better than keeping my emotions buried inside always wondering what could have been if I just would've told him how I felt. Now I know that I've given 100% and I've put my heart on the line to save a love that was gone a long time ago. Someday he might regret not doing something different when he had the chance, but as for me, I'll live regret free knowing I gave it my all.

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