Saturday, March 12, 2011

If want to be happy. Be.

you can run, but you cannot hide
treat people as if they were what they should be
if you get caught in a lie, it will be assumed that it is not the first lie that you told
with more knowledge comes greater doubt
when children stand quiet, they have done some harm
love is a constantly growing experience
telling the truth is a brave act
a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips
hesitate for a good reason
organize your day in the morning
a disease known is half cured
choose the way that seems the best, however rough it may be
do not look too far ahead or you'll lose sight of the road
the best advice is `don't give it'

Things to be happy about.
making notes in the margins
embracing your own style
a couch I can stretch out on
having good intentions
"HELP", By the Beatles
birds soaring
no-leak shower curtains
when girls wore hair ribbons
a porch with rocking chairs
talking to cousins on the phone
stopping trying to figure out what someone meant - and just ask
jotting down thoughts on whatever scraps of paper are handy
taking your first evening off in a long time
saying your piece
frying chicken like the Colonel
a group of people gathered around a summer night's bonfire
patchwork quilts <3

getting new puppies (Miley & Sammi)
making it to your next class in time
a practical wedding budget
tall French doors opening onto a terrace that looks out over the river
that every problem has a solution
making a snow angel
going into my hideout
people who take a hint
the feel of hardcover books
& the blanket you snuggle under.

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