Wednesday, February 23, 2011

i can walk right by your picture in a frame

and not feel a thing,
but when i hear your name..

Finally got over that song of ours, stopped chasing little red sports cars to check the license plate and I quit driving by your place. When the conversation turns to you, i get caught in a "you were the only one for me" kinda thought and your face is all that I see. I know I can't go back, but i still go back, everytime i hear your name.

I know what it's like when memories make you wince. Even though we've both moved on, I know what it's like to feel my heart fall into my stomach when I hear your name. I know what it's like to have to look away from someone when I talk about you. I know what it's like to do every imaginable thing possible to fix us, when the truth of the matter was simple, you didn't want to fix anything. We didn't grow apart, we didn't just decide it wasn't working, we weren't at different places in our lives, you walked away and i didn't even know you were going. It's devestating to hear you're already moved on when I wasn't even aware we were apart. But that's not what I remember, I remember being your everything. I remember being in love, I remember being happy.

The truth of the matter is simple. I don't miss you, I don't want you back. I just want you realize what you let get away so that i can stop trying to prove myself to you. I just want you to want me, so that I can break your heart like you broke mine.

it took me all this time to figure that out.

and it feels so good to finally realize what's going on here.

February 24, 2011 at 2:19 a.m.

I can finally truly move on with my life.

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