Friday, February 5, 2010

The Unexpected

It seems as though no matter what I do I am never satisfied. It happens every day in almost every decision I make. If I choose an outfit that I assume is going to be perfect, before the end of the night it is not what I expected it to be. If I order dinner based on the picture, it is never what I expected it to be. If I date a guy that seems exciting, he really turns out to be a hassle. If I date what seems to be the perfect guy, it's boring. Is there never a happy medium in life? I'm starting to wonder. I always see the "perfect couple" that always seems to be happy, smiling, taking in every minute of their life together. Honestly, It makes me jealous. After so many memories together, suddenly she is unhappy. Did anyone see that coming? Again, it's not what we expected. There is much more to life than what meets the eye. It is true, nothing is ever what it seems. Does that make it exciting? Or only leaving everyone feeling let down? Either way, there is never a dull moment. If there is one thing I have learned in this life, it's to expect the unexpected.

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