Sunday, February 21, 2010

Change of Heart.

Winter always holds magical moments up until the end. Towards the end of winter, you just want it to be over. As winter disappears, the snow turns to slush and the once green, yet now brown grass starts to show through. The snow on the street turns to the yuck gray color and everyone starts to smile at the nasty appearance the earth is showing off.
Spring is on it's way. That means warmer weather, beautiful rain showers, and blossoming flowers. Though rain is often associated with gloom and sadness with dark skies, the spring showers are something I find quite wonderful. After the rain, the sun slowly peaks around the dark cloud and soon to follow a beautiful sight that brings happiness to many people. Spring always holds many days showing rainbows in the sky. Some are bright easy to be spotted rainbows and some are faint and barely peaking around the clouds. These are the smiles that seem to be saying, "Peek-a-boo, there is hope". They leave me replying, "I found you and my hope". Along with the change of season, I have had a change of heart.
It's the little things that keep me hanging on.

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