Saturday, February 6, 2010

Faith Above All Else

As a christian, I have full faith that my future is in God's hands. However, It's hard for me to relax and not worry about my future. Since I was twelve years old, here I am wanting to be a nurse. I almost lost my life. After spending time in the hospital, I don't want to do that anymore. Nursing does not feel right for me. I have lost my interest. I lose my interest in everything. That's what scares me about the future. If I am constantly losing interest, how will I ever be completely happy? Put my faith in God. Trust in him. Pray. This is how I make it through my day. Through the stress and worry, I remember, even if I can't see the signs now they're going to come. He is in control of my life.
"I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me"

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