Wednesday, February 23, 2011

i can walk right by your picture in a frame

and not feel a thing,
but when i hear your name..

Finally got over that song of ours, stopped chasing little red sports cars to check the license plate and I quit driving by your place. When the conversation turns to you, i get caught in a "you were the only one for me" kinda thought and your face is all that I see. I know I can't go back, but i still go back, everytime i hear your name.

I know what it's like when memories make you wince. Even though we've both moved on, I know what it's like to feel my heart fall into my stomach when I hear your name. I know what it's like to have to look away from someone when I talk about you. I know what it's like to do every imaginable thing possible to fix us, when the truth of the matter was simple, you didn't want to fix anything. We didn't grow apart, we didn't just decide it wasn't working, we weren't at different places in our lives, you walked away and i didn't even know you were going. It's devestating to hear you're already moved on when I wasn't even aware we were apart. But that's not what I remember, I remember being your everything. I remember being in love, I remember being happy.

The truth of the matter is simple. I don't miss you, I don't want you back. I just want you realize what you let get away so that i can stop trying to prove myself to you. I just want you to want me, so that I can break your heart like you broke mine.

it took me all this time to figure that out.

and it feels so good to finally realize what's going on here.

February 24, 2011 at 2:19 a.m.

I can finally truly move on with my life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

here's to the past

"There are so many things I want to tell you, but I know they'll hurt you. So I bury them and let them hurt me instead."

Monday, February 21, 2011

I want to buy this book and take it next time I see my mamaw so that she can record her voice. If anything ever happens to her, I want to be able to hear her voice everyday. The voice that I love more than anything. <3

I can't wait to be back home with her.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Don't say goodbye

"'Fucking' is one of those fucking words you can fucking put anyfuckingwhere in a sentence and it still makes fucking sense. "
I don't know how people don't use curse words to express their feelings. An occasional "fuck" in a sentence can truly change the mood of the thought. I fucking love it.

This is life. People will screw you over. You’ll fight with your family. You’ll witness things that will change you forever. You’ll blame new lovers for things old lovers did. You’ll lose best friends you thought would always be there. You’ll come to realize that everyone has a past. You’ll cry, you’ll laugh, and you’ll embarrass yourself. But then, you’ll find your very own moment where none of that matters; where you can sit back and realize that shit happens to the people who can handle it and that this is who you are, and that no one should want to change you, including yourself.

I wonder what goes through your head when you hear my name? It's a stab in my chest when I hear yours. It's bittersweet, because in my head I know I HAVE to be over you, but it makes my heart second guess itself.

"It hurts, but I'm giving you my word. I hope that you're always happy like we were."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Be happy with what you have.

Batman and Robin <3>

There's no where to go, but up from here.

R.I.P Johnny and June <3>
I'm throwing away pictures I never should've taken in the first place.
How can I miss you if you never would stay?

I thought I could live in your arms and spend every moment I had with you, stay up all night with the stars, confess all the faith that I had in you.

Sunsets never were so bright and the skies never so blue.
You opened up into my arms and we laughed as I held you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I have every reason to smile from ear to ear when I awake each morning,

God blessed me with the best things life can give. An unbreakable friendship. Some people were just meant to be best friends.
Someone to kiss me.
A best friend to be inappropriate with.
A best friend to always hold my hand.

A best friend who's seen me through it all.

Two kids who think I hung the moon.Ray and Punkin. Two best friends that I share some of my
favorite memories with <3
I don't know why I ever doubt the love I have been blessed with.

My two favorite people in this world. "there's no place like home"

Saturday, February 12, 2011

some use water, others use beer..

Chasin my whiskey with you..

I'm just me, whatever that may be.

Random post, fitting for a random person.
This is my dream.

I'm country strong, hard to break, like the ground I grew up on. You may fool me and I'll fall, but I won't stay down long, cause I'm country strong. "You can't put your arms around a memory." Who doesn't want to just be themselves? Being like everyone will never make you stand out to anyone. Be whatever you want to be.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I know you well enough to know

You never loved me.

Why can't I feel anything from anyone other than you?

And all of this was all your fault.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I get a little bit stronger.

"He lied to you a thousand times, he hurt you twice as much as that, & you're gonna tell me you love him? For what, breaking your heart?"

For over a year, I've been trying to move forward with my life. I have fallen back into your arms, your bed, your game, many times. It's not something I'm proud of, but I always say "I love him". You do whatever you want, walk in and out of my life, and I let it happen. I'm always waiting with arms wide open, waiting for you to come back, because I always know you will. You'll stay with me for a brief moment, just enough to get my attention, and like the wind you're gone again.

Your feelings are unpredictable. Is there something there in your heart for me, or are you just looking for comfort and you know I'll be here? I've poured my heart out to you more times than I can even remember. I have tried so many ways to show you and tell you that I love you, but it means nothing to you.

I remember our first kiss. There are no words to describe my feelings for that moment. I've never felt anything like it in my life. I remember the first time we spent the night together, the first time we got dinner together, and I remember when I fell in love with you. What I don't remember is when you fell out of love with me.

I know every time I reminisce on our memories together, it's bittersweet. When anyone asks me my favorite memories, most of them involve you.

Last night, you kissed me like you meant it. All this time I've spent loving you, for what? Because you love me? You can't love someone at your convenience. I'm not here for you to love part time.

I'm no longer going to let you make me second guess myself. I don't have time to wait for you to grow up, while you hold me in our past, when I have so much more ahead of me.