Monday, January 24, 2011

Shoes don't stretch and men don't change.

There is no such thing as too much to handle, there's only too weak to handle it.
You just weren't strong enough to be my man, so don't try to make that my fault.
When you see me with someone else, I hope you imagine it's you.
It's your fault it's not.

You have no attachment to anyone, unless you allow yourself to be attached.
Don't do it. Anyone can leave you anytime they want to, so don't depend on them to stay.
No matter how great you think they are, if they don't see how great you are.. let them go.
You aren't attached to anyone.

There's no need to spend time trying to be like someone else.
There's nothing better than being your own self.
Even if you like different things from everyone else.
Be proud of who you are.
"One day you'll crash into this wall you've built"

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